Friday, July 16, 2010

Dearest Blog

No, I did not forget about you! Im just super busy! Finally got a Sewing machine and I've been sewing away...Midterms have been eating my patient! Ill be back.


Saturday, July 3, 2010

I went to the book store today and read part of Martha Stewarts' Encyclopedia of sewing and fabric crafts. This book got some poor reviews online. But I must say, this book is pretty spectacular! My mother's friend is giving me her sewing machine which I am really excited about.
She has a really good heavy duty machine, I think it just needs to be serviced. Anyway, with her book and a bit of creativity, you can do all sorts of things......duvets, towels, clothes there is even a section on embroidery ( which I am fascinated at) dying techniques, and using bias tape for crafts. This book is great for beginners! You can get it online from amazon for 20 dollars. but it was 35 at the book store ( still a great deal for all the info that you get).After look at it, I am convinced that I can sew. Thanks Martha! good things, good things!

Anyway yesterday, there was a chill in the air down here! It almost felt like the first day of fall. Which was wonderful. We drove around St. Simon's Island during the evening time, and say a few deer in some of the driveways of houses. It was just really relaxing to get out for awhile. Especially to a place like that. Wish I lived there!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Its a girl!

My friend Jill is having a girl....deep down inside Heather and I were procrastinating planning for her shower for hopes she was having a girl. . Jill loves owls. Today I bought some things for the invitations using owls. I found a cute idea for cupcakes using fodant: seems easy enough, instructions are here;
Thinking about pink, green and brown......This is going to be so fun!. heres some ideas and influences.

awesome quilt found on etsy. Great color scheme

Couple graphics for influences

This is adorable, I love the whispey branches

I love these cookies. They remind me of Sanrio lollypops I use
to get as a child
possible shapes and color schemes for cupcakes

this is very cute! the work on the bow is amazing

I really really love this idea for packaging. Take out boxes are
pretty cheap at the craft store, I could get napkins in various colors to
line with. I think this would look awesome! it would be easy for clean up as well!

This is the design that I am leaning towards using different colors. Im not a fan of the sparrow. Im thinking of a baby cradle using Hot pink
orange, green and brown. Sort of like the quilt in the first pic.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Quickly, Cupcake!

Here are some cupcake ideas for Jill's Baby shower. Uh um Last baby shower! I think we are going to make it a beachy theme...... ideas are still in the works but we've got some good ideas.Another thing "note to self" Here is a fabulous website for party ideas. A certain lady i know is going to tie the knot in the near future so I have to start thinking about it. Cute!
I love parties!


Ok yay! I'm finished! trying to make this cute. So here's what I want to achieve this summer break, and with this blog!

1. I want a sewing machine I've got a few ideas in my mind not to mention that awesome project that i posted before.

2. Make homemade Pasta This also requires money.....but thats ok! Im currently looking at mixers too with that attachment! I have a feeling that I'm going to make a mess with it. But trying never hurt anyone. Jesse recently made a bunch of pickles from the cucumbers he grew from our/his garden. Its inspiring me to start canning.....seems complicated!

3. Finish painting the house!

4. Start knitting and crochet again. Figured if I start now I'll have something for winter.




What a lousy first blog! Anyway I'm trying to figure all of this out....So be patient please!!
in the meanwhile here is a fun pic...

Is it ok to reference someone else's blog??? I don't care this is awesome! No harm done.

..This girl has skills!.................and a it is~

I love this idea, hopefully ill be making this soon. Im afraid of working with zippers. I guess this will introduce me to them in a fun way.

l Alexandra